Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Training Update: Putting the Pieces Together

It's all about quick reference guides (QRGs) with our training team right now.  

The team is writing an avalanche of QRGs with the aim to have them reviewed by the FST Functional team in mid-February and complete by the end of February.  

The QRGs will be invaluable for User Experience Review (UER) this March, as testers will be able to use them to perform transactions in Workday using the QRGs as guides.

QRGs are a foundational piece of our overall training effort, so completing this step in the process will be a major achievement.  

The team is also pulling together an overall curriculum proposal that covers all functional areas, the transactions covered, and course descriptions for training offerings.  

click image for larger view


Read more about training on the blog:  Role Mapping, Training Modalities

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