Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A Message of Thanks to those involved with FST


It feels like as each week passes, the FST project team and our partners across Grounds see an increase in project complexity, in problems to be solved, and in deadlines to be met. You're under a tremendous amount of stress, you're still being patient with one another, helping out wherever you're needed, and generally functioning with an admirable level of dedication and determination.

The work you're doing will enable UVA to be truly great and good-- your work is the foundation upon. You likely hear the leadership team and functional leads thank you often in various forums, but you should also know that others are singing your praises and appreciating your efforts, including UVA's leadership. President Jim Ryan and EVP-COO JJ Davis recorded the video linked above and below to personally express their thanks for your extraordinary effort.


Thank you again! We couldn't accomplish this transformation without each and every one of you.

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