Thursday, March 24, 2022

FST Update: March 24, 2022


No time to read all the text?  Check out Five things to Know about FST

Training & User Experience Review

User Experience Review, which we usually shorten to UER, is going on now in the Workday Tenant. This means that over 400 folks from across Grounds are trying out the system doing routine transactions to see how we need to shape our training materials. They’re using quick reference guides, or QRGs, the training team prepared, and the training team is in all of the UER sessions to guide people through the review, answer questions, and refine the QRGs based on how the reviews go.

In addition to preparing the QRGs, the Training Team is also putting together instructor-led training, self-paced web-based training, and the content for Workday Assist that will help people at the point where they’re doing a transaction in the system.

More about Training   

Announcing FST Fridays!

 Folks across Grounds have another opportunity to take a look at some common functions within Workday via weekly sessions the Change Management Team will hold each Friday.   Everyone is invited, so we hope you make plans to come to as many as you’re interested in.

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Preview

Adaptive Planning is also in UER right now. Adaptive Team is looking forward to the three point oh version of Adaptive that will integrate with Workday Financials on July 1. There’s lots of increased functionality that current users will see once the two are live and integrating. If you’d like to read more about what those enhancements are, or even check out a video preview, click the link below.

Sprints: Security Role Mapping and FDM

The Security Role mapping sprint is ending, and FDM is heading into the frost phase.  

Schools and units have produced their first draft of who’s in what roles in their areas, and while adjustments might still be made, that’s what the training team will use to make sure folks across UVA get the right training to do their job, because our training is role-based.

The  FDM Frost means that schools and units can no longer submit NEW worktags so that the FST team can do the next stage of work within the Workday Financials tenant.  They can still refine their mapping until May 10, when the Freeze begins.

Read more about the Security Role Mapping Sprint

Read more about FDM Frost

Need some encouragement as FST enters the home stretch?

 Melody Bianchetto and Adam Daniel, the FST project’s co-sponsors, recently did an FST update to the Board of Visitors, and the BOV Finance committee burst out into applause.  BOV members were really impressed by everyone’s commitment to really transforming, and the desire we all have to help make UVA great and good.  If you’d like to see to this presentation and hear the board’s comments, click the link below.

Hear the BOV's comments

click image for a larger view

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