Thursday, March 3, 2022

Security Role-to-Position Mapping: Guiding Principles

As you read this, the Security Role Mapping Sprint (Workflow Control & Approvals) has very nearly reached its goal of mapping Oracle roles to Workday Finance roles by March 11.  The roles identified by mappers across UVA will be used to inform training and can be edited up until and after go-live.  

As a part of the sprint, mappers meet at least twice a week and sometimes more, making sure proper controls are in place (including separation of duties) and that new business processes are followed.

The mappers have focused on the highest-volume business processes as they map, such as expensing, requisitioning, invoices, payroll adjustments, account certification, accounting journal events, internal service delivery, banking, settlement, and payments, and sponsored research business processes. 

You can see previous meetings, materials, presentations, and FAQs in the Online Community.  If you have questions upon reviewing the resources, reach out to your area's representative.

Click image for a larger view


Read more about Security Role Mapping 

Read more about how this sprint affects role-based training

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