Monday, March 21, 2022

Security Role Mapping Sprint crosses the FInish Line

As of the end of last week, 37 security role-to-position mapping files from all UVA schools and units have been submitted.  This marks the end of the six-week Security to Role Mapping Sprint, but work continues on the FST Team side of things.  

The files will now be checked for any obvious errors and then loaded into the tenant for quick analysis using some of Workday Finance's delivered reports.  The team is also getting an audit tool ready to check the files for any issues with separation of duties so any critical risks can be addressed before go-live.

 Every week, multiple times per week, there were around 160 folks who joined in to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate together to map their current positions to new Workday Finance Roles.  This work is so important to the development of our role-based training being offered this May.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this sprint! 


Read more on training here

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