Wednesday, March 9, 2022

FST Update: March 10, 2022


No time to read all the text?  Check out Five things to Know about FST
Or listen in to WFST, the FST Radio News Broadcast

User Experience Review

We are undergoing User Experience Review, or UER,  with both Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning, our budgeting software. Both the Workday tenant and the tenant of Adaptive 3.0, which is the version of Adaptive Planning that will integrate with Workday Financials, have gone through end to end testing and are on to User Experience Review.  

User Experience Review is not an additional phase of testing, where we test the processes and capture requirements. It’s not training, either. It’s just a chance for end-users to get exposure to the system and provide input into training materials. They’re using the Quick Reference Guides, or QRGs, developed by the training team, to work through scenarios in the tenant, and that helps the training team immensely.

Adaptive UER will run the whole month of March, while Workday UER sessions will continue through April. We’re really grateful to the over 400 people taking part!

Organizational Change Readiness

The Change Management side of the project team has assessed our stakeholders’ readiness and throughout the project with a series of Change Readiness Assessments, or CRAs, which many have taken part in. Readiness was recently assessed once more, only instead of surveys, the team worked closely with Change Leaders and Steering Committee Members across Grounds to assess critical areas of readiness, such as FDM mapping, getting their other systems ready to integrate with Workday instead of Oracle, process transformation, engagement with their stakeholders, and other important categories. They’ll continue assessing these areas on a month-by-month basis.

We’ll use the readiness information we’re gathering to make sure we’re properly engaging and preparing the people who are affected by the change.

More about Change Readiness Assessment #4

Training & Support

As you've likely already heard, training will become available in May and will be given in a variety of modalities.  We'll have instructor-led training, web-based training, quick reference guides, demos, and office hours.

As the training team is making plans to make sure everyone has access to the training they need to do their jobs and the information they’ll need while they’re working, UVAFinance is also setting up a Finance Solution Center to reduce confusion amongst our users in the schools and units and get their common questions answered quickly.  The Finance Solution Center is going through a soft launch starting March 14 – even though the team is still being assembled, we’ll be launching as the first human point of contact to UVAFinance

Read more about the Finance Solution Center

Security Role-to-Position Mapping (Workflow Control & Approvals)

 Security Role-to-Position Mapping is continuing. March 11 is the date that schools and units need to submit their first draft of their mapping of Oracle roles to Workday Roles. Because our training will be role-based for Workday Financials, just like it was for Oracle. Because some roles have changed and processes have changed, we need the new mapping to be able to identify who needs what training within the system.

Reporting & Analytics

The Reporting and Analytics team is working hard to make sure users are equipped with what they need at go-live. That team has been working to accommodate both the reporting and analytics needed for the finance launch, but also making sure users will have what they need in terms of their broader needs, like Human Resources and Student data.

Business Terms Site

As UVA gets ready to do business in a new era, with all the insight that Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning provide, it’s important that we all remember that not only are processes and roles changing but also that the terms we use to refer to common business processes are changing, too.
Throughout the project, using resources like Workday Words, we’ve tried to highlight some of these term changes. At this stage in the process, however, we have a more fully-formed resource out there, the Business Terms Dictionary, which is now the source of truth for our business vocabulary at UVA.

Read more about the site's functionality.

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