Tuesday, March 8, 2022

McGehee accepts new role in UVAFinance

UVAFinance is pleased to announce that Andrew McGehee of Financial Planning & Analysis will assume a newly created role as the Director of Cost Accounting and Fixed Assets.  

This new position will establish an meaningful intersection between the Finance Operations and Strategy groups within Finance. Together, McGehee and both teams will seek unified and aligned approaches with regular and close integration into all Financial Accounting and Reporting needs.

Initially, McGehee will remain focused on completing the University’s F&A proposal for submission to DHHS while stepping in to oversee the operational and transformational work occurring in fixed assets. He and the team will begin exploring opportunities to enhance service provision across both functional areas through collaborative work together.

This realignment of functional areas and responsibilities is another opportunity for UVAFinance to support our vision and core values.  Thanks for taking on the role, Andrew!

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