Tuesday, March 8, 2022

User Experience Reviews are Underway

User Experience Review (UER) is the final testing cycle of specifically selected scenarios in Workday Finance. This testing provides system exposure and enables the FST team to gather valuable feedback and data to inform training development.

Sessions began last week and so far, users are learning more about specific functions of Workday and how they can use the systems in their offices while also providing feedback to the FST team on user roles and process.

UER sessions are specific to processes such as creating and updating gifts, account certification, creating accounting journals and adjustments, and more. In each session, users view a demonstration of the processes, confirm their access to the system, practice in the system, ask questions, and then complete scenarios and document feedback and concerns. 

UER participation is integral to the FST rollout of Workday Financials and the time put into these sessions is an investment in ensuring a smoother go-live and system use. The FST team is grateful to all 400+ participants and appreciates their thoughtful feedback and questions. 

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