Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Using UVAFinance LinkedIn

We hope you have joined UVAFinance on LinkedIn! If you haven't, please access the site here and make sure to click "follow." We are sharing everything from new team members to Salesforce tips to open positions. 

Our goal is to broaden our reach and appeal to job seekers and also communicate even more with our stakeholders and colleagues across Grounds. We'll be sharing tips on using our LinkedIn page to help you achieve outreach goals in your specific areas.

Here are two ways you can help increase our network (and yours, too!):

1. From your LinkedIn account, click "create new post" and share this link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/uvafinance1. 
Add a short narrative, "Please follow UVAFinance to get the latest on our support for the University, our Finance Strategic Transformation project, and how we are growing our team."

2. When you see a #UVAFinance post that interests you, such as the announcement of a new team member, share it with your network. Under the post, click "share" and add a short bit of text such as, "We are thrilled to have Jane on our team. Learn more about her experience and how she's helping shape . . . "

Thank you for engaging with us on this platform. We look forward to learning more about how we can use the tool to help all of you in the work you do.

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